Reporting & Customization Services

Select* Associates, Inc. provides custom programming and technical services for the following financial accounting systems: Elite Enterprise, Elite 3E, ADERANT, Rippe & Kingston, and TMC/LMS.
Custom Reporting and Inquiries
Select* Associates provides financial reports, inquiries, and dashboards using industry standard tools such as Crystal Reports, Visual Basic, SQL Server Reporting Services, Access, Excel, Query and others. Microsoft SharePoint is used as the development platform for work flow and collaboration projects.
SQL Server Training
Select* Associates provides classes ranging from beginner to expert in the Microsoft SQL Server data retrieval environment. Topics covered include the SQL query language, stored procedures, and data extraction/reporting methods. Classes are limited in size and are provided on-site or at Select* Associates offices.
Automated E-mail and Event Driven Alert Systems
Find out what you need to know when you need to know it. Select* Associates can incorporate missing time alerts and daily cash received notifications into your daily process, as well as other rule-driven events and e-mail notifications.
Bill Templates and Formatting
With over 16 years of experience, Select* Associates' professionals can prepare custom billing templates and provide support for electronic bill presentation with accuracy and confidence. Select* Associates provides specialized programming services with Oracle Legal Whitehill Enterprise (Elite) and DocuDraft (ADERANT).
Electronic Imaging
Select* Associates utilizes the latest imaging technology to incorporate into your Accounts Payable and/or billing process. For Accounts Receivable, your firm can print images of associated expenses with the printed invoices. Invoice images can be maintained online for easy reference.
Electronic Cost Recovery Interfaces
By building the necessary cost recovery interface, Select* Associates can help your firm recover significant expenses. Expense recovery interface projects include:
- Telephone
- Photocopy
- Postage
- Fax
- Computer printing
- Shipping services
- Couriers/taxi services
Conflict System Enhancements
Improve the accuracy of your Conflict Management System with automated searches, multi-name searches, customized reports, and valuable output to other databases.